Contractor Digital Marketing Blog

If “Now” Wasn’t The Right Time For A Website, Here’s Why “Now” You Need One

Chances are that if you own a business, you’ve thought at some point about having a website for your company, if you don’t already have one. You’ve thought about how everyone is on the internet all the time and that it is something that you know that you need to get your company more exposure. However, business is going well, most of your business is through referrals and you’ve run a successful company for many years and have always had enough work. It’s never been the right time, you’re too busy to even think about sitting down to get one built, someone in your family said that they could build you one or you’ve gotten called by a marketing company, offering to help you build one, but “now” wasn’t the right time and it’s something that you’d get to a couple months from now.

Those months turned into years and things were still going well from a business perspective so it was never the right time to get a website built for your company. The economy was thriving and a website was either something you thought you didn’t need, or it was something you would “get to”.

Flash forward to March 2020. COVID-19 has stopped your work and nobody wants to spend money. You’ve been thinking about what the next steps are for your company and have been thinking about how you’re going to bridge this gap between what is currently going on and when normalcy resumes.

If you haven’t considered a website, now would be the time to do so. A website can be the solution to keep your company relevant during this down period and can allow for you to set your company up for success now and in the future. 97% of people learn more about a local company online than anywhere else and 46% of all Google searches are looking for local information (SEO Tribunal, GoGulf). These statistics show that consumers are using the internet now more than ever to find companies for the things that they want.

Want a website but don’t know where to start? We got you covered with a pre website building blog: “9 Steps Before Building A Website”.

During this unprecedented time, we have already seen that it is inevitable that the economy will take a hit and we have already seen the start of this. A limited economy is almost certain to impact your company, and if you were in business during the 2008 Recession, you know this reality all too well. A limited economy means that there will not be as many opportunities and clients looking to have work done. The first place that the consumers that are left are going to look while not being able to go to their favorite stores and businesses will be the internet.

A website is also a great idea to position your company for future success. In a time where consumers may not be working and have more time on their hands, it would be nothing but beneficial for companies to have a strong online presence. With all this time on their hands, consumers will be starting to think about home improvement projects and different tasks that they have otherwise been too busy to think about.

While you never have thought that it was the “right” time to get a website going for your company, now more than ever it is. As a business owner, you need to have a plan in place to limit the impact that COVID-19 will have on your company. A website is a cost effective investment that will not only help you now, but will benefit you and your business for years to come. You have the time, you have the need, and you have the motivation to get a website up and running for your company. The time has never been right for a website, but the time is now.

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