Contractor Digital Marketing Blog

5 Suggested Topics For A Construction Company Blog

Trying to write a blog for your construction company but need a compelling stat first? Here: Companies that publish blog posts get 55% more visitors and 97% more inbound links as compared to companies that don’t blog, according to Hubspot researchers. Pretty good, right? If you want more convincing material, read this post from them on 10 reasons why you should blog.

Blogs are becoming more prevalent and mainstream in today’s digital age. Before, they seemed to be somewhat of an online journal of sorts, but today they offer huge opportunities to drawing customers to your website and eventually converting them to leads. That is the goal and the magic of inbound marketing! Woop woop! Yes – blogs are worth getting excited about!

A construction company blog is a great platform for you to show your range of skills, knowledge and expertise in your field before a prospect even meets you. It’s an open book for them to learn. Blogs are a huge part in the big picture of inbound marketing, but it can be so hard sometimes get started and find momentum. After long hours working, the last thing you may want to do is rack your brain to find something to WRITE about. Good news is, we have laid out 5 different categories of topics for you to pull from, AND you will be writing about topics you are already knowledgeable about. So share that pool of knowledge and use blogging as a tool to build (see what we did there?!) your prospective client list.

construction company blog

Here are your five:

1. Featured Projects – your completed work

A fairly easy topic to write about for your construction company blog is a completed project. Include pictures of the design, before and after photos, and discuss anything unique about this project that may make it different from others. This, in a sense, works doubly as a portfolio of your work. You can also include a link to the portfolio page on your website so that they can see more of your work – thus adding more traffic to your website and peaking their interest a bit more. If they are impressed or intrigued they may just click on a button to email you, if it is made available. So make sure you insert a button or a form as a call to action so that it is a convenient and inviting option.

2. Case Study – issues that you found a resolution for

construction company blog

A case study, as we will call it, would be a current project that you are in the thick of or just about to start. Maybe one that poses a challenge, maybe not. But you have spelled out multiple options to your client. Lay out the analysis and share those options on your construction company blog, as well as the choice of the customer. Let your prospective client see how you would handle a challenging construction situation and how you think outside the box.

3. Current Trends

Discussing upcoming and current trends with your blog readers shows them that you can and are staying ahead of the competition. It shows that you are able to identify these trends and thus understand which customers would be interested or in need of them. Talk about how each one would affect the construction business as well as a customer, whether it be time-span of the project or financially for example. You would know best, but examples may include new software for design, green design and sustainability, new resources or changes in material cost to name a few. Needing to get up-to-date on trends for 2019? Read this blog post from here.

4. Product Reviews and Comparisons

construction company blog

Here is where you can use a blog post to review a product or compare similar products and share your experience and thoughts on them. List pros and cons of each. Dive into the cost savings, or benefits of paying the extra dollar. This will give your readers confidence that you are laying out all options on the table for them, allowing them to make informed decisions about materials and costs.

5. How To’s – videos, DIYs, what to avoid doing on your own

This category can be fun and engaging. Create short videos on projects that the average Joe can do on his own. Also, point out where they should really leave certain work to a professional … which is where your business comes into the picture. Let them know how to reach out to you for work. Offer them a landing page to click on and fill out their information and information about a project they need help with.

First and foremost you should write about topics that interest your target clientele. You want to grab their attention and result in giving you a call or reaching out. If there is an opportunity in any of your construction company blogs, you can redirect prospects to view your YouTube channel, where they can further browse content from your construction company. Always find ways to naturally insert call to actions with landing pages. The end goal is to convert these readers to leads!

We will leave you off with a few of our favorite stats from Hubspot to keep in mind during your blogging.

  • 55% of marketers say blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority. (HubSpot, 2018) (Source: Hubspot
  • 43% of B2B marketers say blogging is their most important type of content. (Social Marketing Industry Report, 2017) (Source: Hubspot
  • Titles with 6-13 words attract the highest and most consistent amount of traffic. (HubSpot, 2016) (Source: Hubspot)
  • Listicles are the most popular blog post format among business blogs. (Responsive Inbound Marketing, 2019) (Source: Hubspot

Now pull out the writing tools and build your blog!

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