Contractor Digital Marketing Blog

11 Reasons Construction Companies Need A Website

There are many uncertainties associated with construction work.​

How many corners did the last crew working here cut?
Are we going to get this Tyvec up before it rains?
Did I account for everything in the estimate I gave the customer?

Unlike a number of day to day obstacles a construction company needs to deal with because of the unforeseen issues that always pop up on a job, a website is a business asset (yes, an asset) that is 100% in your control. Leveraging digital marketing to help improve your online presence, thus helping you accomplish whatever business goals you have, is something all contractors and construction companies should be doing. If you’re not doing it, then you need to start. We have good news though, all you need to do to get your digital marketing footprint off the ground is get an effective website built.

Don’t think you know how to build a website for your construction company? We got you covered: How To Build A Construction Website.

Don’t think you even need a website for your construction company? Well, here’s 11 reasons why we disagree.

Yellow Pages

1. No One Uses Yellow Pages Anymore

January 2019, that’s when yellow pages, after 51 years, stopped printing in the UK. Is that a sign of things to come here in the States? Before you answer that question, take a look at a Yellow Pages now and compare the size of it to a Yellow Pages even a couple of years ago. That should be enough of an indication to help you understand that it’s an aggressive downward trend.

97% of consumers use the internet to find local businesses, by focusing your efforts in the online space (where conversion rates are much higher) you can not only track your ROI with greater ease, but see much greater returns.

2. Advocating for Your Value

Your website is your company’s online identity. When it comes to what people are saying about your company online, your voice should be the loudest. Even if you have a fantastic reputation through word of mouth, you may be missing out on business beyond your circle of referrals because the information about your company is not nearly as positive in the online space.

In many instances, it doesn’t matter what you say or how you say it, what matters is what you have done in the past. How are you going to show your potential customers the work you’ve completed if you don’t have an online presence? How are you going to land that $250,000 renovation project that requires references if you don’t have a website that shows customer testimonials? Your website is a direct extension of you, make it a good one.

3. Standing Out From Your Competition

When it comes to standing out from your competition, your work should speak for itself. For companies that have been around for 10+ years, this isn’t a problem. The problem is, the company that has been around for 2 years is showing its work off online. Every new construction looks great; good craftsmanship is craftsmanship that endures. Build a site that shows off how well your building lasts, or you risk losing business to inexperienced competition. 

4. Combating the Labor Shortage

It’s no secret that the United States, and New England in particular, has a major shortage of skilled labor. That doesn’t mean there not out there. It’s also no secret that the vast majority of people google a company before or during the application process. Build a site that shows people why they should take their talent to you.

5. Mitigating the slow season

As daylight starts to dwindle, so does the flow of work to construction companies. While there are some jobs that can be done through the Winter, the impact of the Winter season on construction workflow can hurt companies that aren’t prepared for it. If targeted correctly, a website can help you zero in on certain project types, this can be highly effective during the slow months to try and grab as many filler jobs as possible. 

6. Effectively Display Your Work

Good carpenters take pride in their work, as well as pictures. Displaying these online is a great way to show people what they are getting when they do their work with you. The most effective way to display your work online is through a portfolio section of a website. Consumers respect transparency, and love any opportunity they can get to see the value before they buy.

Want To See A Great Way To Display Your Work? Take A Look At A Recent Reds Media Clients Website, Wakes Carpentry.

SEO for construction company

7. Work In The Towns You Want To Be In

“I have more work than I know how to handle”. One of the most common objections by construction businesses highlights a unique problem for the industry. Too much work, not enough hands. If you can’t get more hands, you should try and make the hands you have more efficient. 

Targeted content that is getting found on Google, on a well built website can help you zero in on certain geographical areas you want to work in, vs ones you don’t. Combine this with an effective online scheduling tool and your 5 man crew will start operating like 10. 

8. Controlling Your Online Reputation

Reputation is important, it takes years to build and seconds to destroy. A well built website can help you manage the reputation of your business online, empowering you to be proactive rather than reactive to harsh negative reviews. 

This also gives you the opportunity to have a platform that further speaks to the quality of work that you provide. Let’s face it, customers are always going to be more receptive to someone outside of your business bragging about how great of work you do, as opposed to hearing it directly from you. There are many tools out there that allow customers to leave reviews, you should get ahead of the curb and allow those customers to leave reviews in a manner you want them to be left.

9. Home Advisors, Angies List & Other Listing Platforms Don’t Paint The Real Picture

These platforms benefit by providing the consumer with quick, accurate, information to help solve whatever problem they are trying to fix, or project they are trying to complete. The only person that your website should be working for, is yourself. When you custom build a website for your business, it is a true reflection of your value, not a generic template.

10. If You’re Not Growing, You’re Dying

When business is going well the last thing that people think about is Digital Marketing: here’s the thing, the worst time to do any sort of Digital Marketing is when you need to. This is especially true for the construction industry. Do your future self a favor, when business is booming, invest some of that money back into the business and get serious about a digital marketing program.

Investing into Digital Marketing when business is going well will help you grow your business when the economy is slowing down.

11. Strengthen Your Relationship With Current Clients

You’ve said it yourself, more than a million times: “I only work off of referrals.

At the end of the day, the work that you do and the relationships that you form are the bedrock of your company. By creating a strong online presence, you’re opening up even more opportunities and avenues for your loyal customers to show their love, and to grow in support of you. 

These are just 11 reasons why your construction company should have an effective website designed, but this list could go on and on. If you own a construction company, and you have never thought to take digital marketing seriously or to utilize it, I hope this has changed your mind.

Being represented appropriately online is important, and as the days go by, it only will become more important. If you have any questions, or would like a free consultation to discuss your current situation, please feel free to contact us today.

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