4 Ways To Take Your Instagram To The Next Level
There are numerous social media channels to take advantage of, and another really simple and free one to use is Instagram. Although the target audience on instagram is a younger demographic, it has become more popular for all ages. Take Facebook as an example, it was originally for younger people, but now it has transitioned to an older demographic. But another opportunity you are creating by using instagram is getting your company’s name and brand out there and delivering it to the younger generation. This will subconsciously put your businesses name in their mind and when they eventually are homeowners, you will be the one they call.
Tag Big Name Brands
By tagging bigger companies in your businesses posts it will develop more of an engagement rating for your plumbing, heating or HVAC company. Did you just install a new Daikin mini split? Daikin has over 30,000 followers! Just by tagging them in your post and showing your followers your work, your following will increase. There is also an opportunity for the brand you tagged to notice, if they repost your photo you shared, that will increase followers and engagement for your account like crazy! That means your Daikin mini split installation would be shown to over 30,000 people.

Show Your Work
Like mentioned above, showing off some of the brands you work with works really well on Instagram. But what about all the crazy places your plumbing, heating or HVAC company has landed for jobs? Did you just fix the plumbing at Fenway? Maybe installed a new HVAC system at Yale? Brag about it on Instagram! This shows your business has a great reputation to have landed such big jobs.
But.... It’s Not Just About Work
It has become increasingly popular for consumers to want to see the face behind the brand. People love to see employees being taken care of, and that can be really important to someone the next time they want to schedule your company for a job. Did you just host an employee Christmas party? Maybe your business helps out with a craft fair every year? No matter what it is, if you’re comfortable with posting about it, it will boost your engagement.
Use Instagram Stories
The stories feature on Instagram are even more popular than posts these days. They’re quick and simple posts that disappear after 24 hours. This allows people to see a quick snippet of your “day in the life” as a plumbing, heating or HVAC contractor. This will show your followers all the great things your business does for its customers and might even sway them into choosing your company over a competitor.
How to Leverage it
Doing these small steps will help your plumbing, heating or HVAC business become more relatable and increase engagement, therefore increasing your calls and leads. It may sound like a lot of work, but if you’re already on Facebook it’s even easier. Facebook can easily walk you through the steps of linking your Instagram account to your Facebook. That means anytime you post, or schedule, a photo on your company’s Facebook account it will automatically post to the Instagram account as well.
So you’re posting for people to like or laugh at your posts, make sure you engage with them. If someone comments, make sure you reply. Most of the time your posts are probably extremely relatable, and that’s mostly why people join Instagram in the first place. Additionally, if you are tagging the bigger brands and engaging with them continuously that can even lead to working with them. When your followers increase, and a brand begins to notice you, imagine the reputation that’s being built for your plumbing, heating or HVAC business.
In short, the opportunities are endless! Using a free tool of social media, like Instagram, would be silly to pass up. There are only good things that would come from it!