Your busy, we get it. You are in the truck driving all day, every day, talking to different subcontractors and visiting different sites. You’ve made a name for yourself because of the great work that you do in the community and the large number of satisfied customers you’ve accumulated over the years. Maybe you have a website, maybe you don’t, but if you’re here, you’re at the point where you want to dig into having a great construction website design that accurately reflects your business.
Here at Reds Media we do a large amount of work with different construction companies, with different goals for their sites. Following are the top 5 steps to consider when developing your construction company website design.

1. Create a gallery of your work
Your construction company does great work in the community, and you need to show that! This great work is why you get referrals and why people hire you. One of the first things a visitor on your website will look for, is examples of your work. You should utilize your construction company website design as a platform to display this great work and it should show all the projects that you’ve completed that will leave your prospects in awe.
Having these pictures in an organized gallery will not only separate you from your competition, but have your potential clients feeling warm and fuzzy inside knowing you are capable of handling their project. What you don’t want visitors coming to your site guessing about the quality of your work. You want to show them what you’ve done and what you’re capable of doing.
To take this to the next level, take before and after pictures so people can see the incredible transformations you’ve completed.
Want to see what we mean? Take a look at Wakes Carpentry, a Reds Media client’s, gallery page:

2. Get testimonials
Never underestimate the power of a testimonial. Of course we all want to live under the notion that every potential client will “take our word for it” when discussing what types of services we can provide, but the fact of the matter is that is not true. People want to see what other people have to say about your work. They want to see from a 3rd party that you’re able to deliver the quality of work that you say you can. Having testimonials on your site will further support everything that you have told them, everything that they’ve read, and will organically drive them further through the sales process.
There are two ways you can effectively display your testimonials. You can either have them located on the home page so a visitor can see them fairly quickly, or you can have a whole page dedicated for all of them. Either way, testimonials are a great way to show the legitimacy of your construction company.

3. Optimize your construction website design for mobile use and your specified geographical area
In today’s world, having your construction website design optimized for cell phones is an absolute must. The percentage of online visitors viewing websites on their cell phones is growing and will only continue grow. You want your construction site to look as remarkable through mobile usage as it does on a desktop or laptop.
People Google EVERYTHING, so optimizing your website to target customers in your service areas is also a must. You will need to put on your website the areas that you do work in. If you’re a construction company that works specifically in the Seacoast, New Hampshire area, you don’t want to be receiving phone calls from people that live in Southern Massachusetts. Not optimizing your construction website design will only lead to frustration for you and the people calling you.

4. Blog about your projects
I know, I know, I know – you don’t want to get involved with anything related to maintaining your website. Please, rethink this. Blogging about your projects isn’t just vital to improving your SEO, but also keeps your visitors in the loop to the new projects that you and your company are doing. These blog posts can consist of pictures of the job, and the type of work that was done. This is also an opportunity to educate potential customers about the intricacies that go into a construction company. About how it is not as simple of screwing in a few boards and making sure everything is level.
A blog will give you a platform to tell the world how your company does such great work and allows your customers to dig a little deeper than just viewing pictures. You don’t need to light the world on fire, but think about creating at least one blog post a month.

5. Just jump right in
Something is better than nothing. A little bit of content is better than no content. A foundation needs to be laid before you start building your house. If you’re having reservations, knock down those walls, jump right in, and just start doing it. You can always tinker with what you create, but you won’t be able to make adjustments to something that isn’t there already. There is a hundred different ways to skin a cat and you can either sit around thinking about how to make the best construction website design, or you can just do it!