Email Marketing & Your HVAC or Plumbing Business
Some people may think email marketing is a thing of the past, but that simply is just not true. When a customer gives you their email address it is a free way to market your business to them, even if they never open the email. Subconsciously that customer will see your business name in their mailbox and remember you the next time they need some heating, plumbing or HVAC work done to their home.
Why Should You Market by Email?
Email marketing allows you to engage with your customers through advertisements, graphics, newsletters or more. It allows you to build relationships with leads, customers, and past customers. More importantly, it is a time that they can converse and connect with you at their leisure. Connecting with your clients at a time when it is most convenient for them is key to success these days.
When creating strong email marketing content it helps you reach your target audience in a more personalized way to increase your heating, plumbing or HVAC businesses sales. The number one reason to do this… it is absolutely free! Despite how much some of us hate to send and receive marketing emails, it still remains the most effective cash generator in digital marketing.

How The Buying Process Has Changed
Now more than ever, we use our phones everyday to find a product or service that fits our needs. This can go for almost any type of business – New customers are doing more research, and searching for more information before hiring a company. So the best way to target your audience is generally by offering them something on your website. For example, a coupon for a first installation/service, a product guide, or seasonal marketing to educate the customer. In doing this, to receive that coupon or promo code, the customer will then give their email address to your business.
Don’t Have The Time?
Using an email automated system is a really convenient tool to take advantage of. Email automation allows for your plumbing, heating or HVAC business to write out multiple emails and then schedule a time for them to go out. This way you can plan months ahead while using your time to your best advantage!
With so many ways to use digital marketing for businesses these days, it’s easy to constantly be bombarded with multiple options and unsure of one that might work best for your company. Email marketing has been around way before social media, or Google Ads, and it’s definitely here to stay.