Contractor Digital Marketing Blog

Why A Website For Your Service Based Business Is Not Just About Getting Leads

Website creation can be an intimidating process, but it doesn’t have to be. An industry focused digital marketing company can help take this burden off your shoulders. With the proper team you can be sure to get exactly what you’re looking for. Creating a website for your business will drive results that you may not be considering. In this blog we will go over the three largest benefits, excluding driving pure top of the funnel, that come out of having a website. Although there are limitless examples of benefits that come tied to website creation, we will be covering how websites can help; recruit labor to keep up with the high demand for work, accurately representing your business and what you stand for online, and driving quality rather than quantity of leads for strategic job acceptance.



One of the biggest impacts you will notice once you have a website produced for your company is an increase in employment inquiries. In this current labor shortage, finding the right talent can be the deciding factor on whether or not you have to disappoint clients. Here at Reds Media we talk to people in the general contracting space every day and we hear the same thing again and again, too many job requests and not enough labor to get them done. Hiring through word of mouth has always been the primary method used by general contractors to find labor, times are now changing. In fact, an AutoDesk workforce survey found that 78% of NH general contracting firms reported difficulty filling positions necessary for their current workload. Young people looking for work in this space take the first logical step any young person seeking employment would take, they search the internet. Making your company a desirable place to work starts with an online presence. People want to be proud of where there employed and having a well throughout representation of yourself online is incredibly important.  Although the idea of having to turn away business because your too busy may seem like a good problem to have, it can leave clients with a bad taste in their mouth regarding your business. Long wait times and poor communication can lead to negative reviews online that do not accurately represent your business. This brings us to our next point, having a quality well made website is crucial to accurately portray your business online.



Too often do I run across businesses that have no website and a single negative review online from one disgruntled customer. Not everyone can be pleased, and a handful of negative reviews are always going to surface, but its detrimental to your business if it’s the first thing anyone sees when they look you up online. If your company and all the great work you do is not accurately represented online then you’re doing your business and employees a disservice. I often get on the phone with such businesses to hear about all the great things they do weather that’s community projects or just exemplary work. This is the type of information that needs to be displayed proudly to the world.



The third major benefit in maintaining a proper website is the inbound jobs received. I know for most in this space work is easy to come by in abundance, but this does not consider the quality of the jobs accepted. If you have a proper online process put into place it will empower your business to reach for higher quality jobs rather than getting bogged down through mass quantity of requests. They can be filtered and screened allowing you to choose the jobs right for you, nearest your business. This allows you to be more profitable through efficiency. While the other two effects above are critical to your business, this third and final factor is what will be easily measurable when determining your ROI when it comes to the cost of producing a website.

This process of having a website produced for your company should be simple and easy, the key is to pick the right people to help. Someone with industry knowledge and dedication to customer satisfaction in order to ensure you get exactly what you are looking for. Reds Media has built exceptional websites that make our customers proud to show off, and a price point that will pay for itself quick. 

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